What are the least recommended strategies when playing roulette?

It is time to talk about those strategies less used and recommended to users. However, they are still interesting to analyze and mention in this article. Currently there are many strategies that we can apply playing online roulette. For this reason, our goal is to show you as many as possible. They are roulette strategies that for one reason or another you can apply in a game.



Agent 007 has transcended beyond the movie screens in many aspects of society. This time it bears the name of a roulette strategy, because it was designed by the creator of James Bond. It was not enough for Ian Fleming to create agent 007 and he also created his own roulette strategy.

The importance of this character has made this strategy popular among users of roulette games. However, his interesting system has also had merit for it. Although it is not infallible, like all of them, it is interesting to use.

This roulette strategy aims to cover the most numbers in roulette at the lowest cost. To apply it we must bet on some specific positions. Similarly, this is based on placing a bet of at least €20 in each round. The bets must be €20 or its proportional amount: 40, 60, 80, 100… 200). As you can see, it is not a strategy for everyone, you must have a large Bankroll.

Taking into account that the bet is €20, the system is as follows:

  • You bet €1 on 0. If it ends there you will win €16.
  • You bet €5 on the six that goes from 13 to 18. If the ball ends there you will win €10.
  • You bet €14 on the last 18 roulette numbers (from 19 to 36). You would win €8.

As you can see, it is a system that by applying it you will be covering a total of 25 numbers in roulette. While you do run the risk of the ball landing on the other numbers, your odds are higher by covering 25 numbers. If you want to apply it for a lower value you can do it, in fact, it is more recommended that way.



This strategy is less recognized than the others exposed in this article. However, despite this, it may turn out to be more effective than is believed. In the same way, it is best to put it into practice in demo versions to see how effective it can be. In case it gives you good results and you feel comfortable with it, it is your moment to apply it.

The Shotwell is a strategy that tries to cover as many numbers as possible to increase your probability. Likewise, this is not a progressive betting system, winning or losing does not determine the amount bet.

You must be very clear about the placement of the chips since it is a system where we must bet on sixes and specifically full ones. Another difference in favor of this strategy is that it does not require a specific expense. That is, depending on our budget we can place the amount of bet we want. The system is as follows:

You will get 5 chips to bet with the value that you think is convenient.

Those chips you must bet on a six. It will be a unit of bet on each of the sixes, in total 5. With this we would be covering a total of 30 numbers in roulette. You will have a high probability of getting a winning bet by covering that large amount of number. You will make a profit of €5, you get the other 4 sixes back and you win €1.

The risk is that the ball falls on the remaining seven numbers of the roulette wheel. On that occasion you would lose your five bet units.

This can be very effective if not abused. It is recommended for European or French roulette, since in the American one you will have one more number uncovered.

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